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Life cycle assessments of arable land use options and protein

Life cycle assessment (LCA) of soil remediation options. Biofuel and other biomass based products from contaminated sites – Potentials and barriers from  Sewage sludge handling with phosphorus utilization–life cycle assessment of four Energy use indicators in energy and life cycle assessments of biofuels:  Industrial symbiosis, life cycle assessment, by-product, integration, environmental in the Biofuel Industry: Quantification of the Environmental Performance and  Associate Professor in Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Assessment Land use impacts on ecosystems in LCA Biofuels Consequential LCA Biogenic carbon  biodiesel och omfattar såväl rena bränslen som FAME100 (B100) som låginblandade volymer i vanlig diesel. RME, rapsmetylester, är en FAME  LCA, LCC jämförelseanalys av biogas, biodiesel, diesel, elhybrid, laddhybrid och eldrift för kollektivtrafikbussar i Karlskrona, Jönköping och  Reduction levels, presumed LCA emissions and estimated volume ratios. Biofuels for Aviation.

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[97] USA No Yes traditional LCA approach and was documented in a report issued in April 1997 (“Comparative LCA of Biodiesel and Fossil Diesel Fuel” by D. Ceuterick and C. Spirinckx ). A full report on the second study, which used external costs analysis, is in the process of being written and is not available. The studies were conducted at VITO, Home > Algae Biodiesel LCA Report-Download. Algae Biodiesel LCA Report-Download. EarthShift Global is pleased to offers a wide variety of research materials from Case Studies to White Papers.

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The specific energy and the energy productivity for rapeseed biodiesel production were calculated as 24.41 MJ/kg and 0.0409 kg/MJ, respectively. The net biodiesel production was 7084.45 MJ/ha, which correspond to 213.39 L biodiesel per hectare of cultivated area. Biodiesel is a general term for renewable diesel fuel substitute that is produced by chemically reacting an alcohol with natural oil. Actually rapeseed methyl ester (RME) or biodiesel made from rapeseedoil was explored in the LCA and externality analysis.

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LPG. Liquefied Petroleum Gas. Motorgas, gasol. PHEV. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Plug-in-hybridelfordon.

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EIA (2008) Fuel oil and kerosene sales 2007.
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Det behövs 3 liter raps och 2 dl metanol för att göra en liter biodiesel. The energy ratio was 2.70 for the rapeseed biodiesel production chain. The specific energy and the energy productivity for rapeseed biodiesel production were calculated as 24.41 MJ/kg and 0.0409 kg/MJ, respectively. The net biodiesel production was 7084.45 MJ/ha, which correspond to 213.39 L biodiesel per hectare of cultivated area. Biodiesel is a general term for renewable diesel fuel substitute that is produced by chemically reacting an alcohol with natural oil.

The energy ratio was 2.70 for the rapeseed biodiesel production chain. The specific energy and the energy productivity for rapeseed biodiesel production were calculated as 24.41 MJ/kg and 0.0409 kg/MJ, respectively. The net biodiesel production was 7084.45 MJ/ha, which correspond to 213.39 L biodiesel per hectare of cultivated area.
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EIA (2008) Fuel oil and kerosene sales 2007. DOE/EIA-0535(07) Washington DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE. EPA (2002) A comprehensive analysis of biodiesel impacts on exhaust emissions. EPA420-P-02-001 Like all energy carriers including renewable energies, the production to combustion cycle of biodiesel should also be assessed from the sustainability point of view. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a promising approach capable of assisting decision makers to find the environmental consequences of the existing or future biodiesel production plans.

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ifeu – Institute for Energy and The use of palm oil as a biofuel has been heavily debated for its land-use conflict with nature and its competition with food production, being the number one cooking oil worldwide. In that context, we present a life cycle assessment of a palm oil production process yielding both biodiesel and cooking oil, incorporating the land-use impact and evaluating the effect of treating the palm oil Life cycle assessment (LCA) and techno economic analysis (TEA) of algal biomass and biodiesel production from pyrolytic substrate Xuefei Zhao a, Zhiyou Wenb, Kurt A Rosentrater c a Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA BD Biodiesel GTAP Global Trade Analysis Project BETO Bioenergy Technologies Office GV Gasoline vehicle LCA system boundary: determined by LCA scope and broad policy context Methods for co-products in biofuel LCAs: need to address broad issues (e.g., food and fuels; Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been widely used to analyze various pathways of biofuel preparation from “cradle to grave.” Effects of nitrogen supply for algae cultivation and technology of algal oil extraction on life cycle fossil energy ratio of biodiesel are assessed in this study. Life cycle fossil energy ratio of Chlorella vulgaris based biodiesel is improved by growing algae 2012-12-05 for both alkali-catalyzed and enzymatic catalyzed bio- diesel production, using palm oil as raw material. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS . In this study, LCA method is used as a tool for compara- tive evaluation of alkali-catalyzed and enzymatic cata- lyzed biodiesel production process with palm oil as the oil source. The environmental load produced The biodiesel produced from microalgal oil has the following fuel properties (Table 6): ester content 99.8%, cetane number 46.31, iodine value 70.04 gl 2 100g-1, degree of unsaturation 74.5%, saponification value 211.8, long-chain saturated factor 7.5%, cold filter plugging point 7.09°C, cloud point 6.87°C, allylic position equivalents 66.0 The Kyoto protocol and the EU Directive 2009/28/EC focus their attention on the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions.

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Introduction to Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Life Cycle Analysis for Biofuels. Bibliography. EIA (2008) Fuel oil and kerosene sales 2007. DOE/EIA-0535(07) Washington DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE. EPA (2002) A comprehensive analysis of biodiesel impacts on exhaust emissions. EPA420-P-02-001 As one of the world’s largest CPO producer in the world, Indonesia uses CPO to produce biodiesel.

WTW Energy (MJ / 100 km). Biogas Excellent LCA. – Low water  Application of LCA on innovative biorefinery concepts – REWOFUEL Webinar. The first step of the Sekab Biofuels & Chemicals AB · From the forest, by Sekab  Post subject: GHG & LCA över Tallolja biodiesel vs kemikalieindustrin som plötsligt fanns tillgänglig för biodiesel-industrin kom tydligen inte  Miljögiraff AB står för expertis inom Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) enligt ISO 14044 som kombineras LCA screening of biofuels - iLUC, biomass manipulation  section with basic information about life cycle assessment has been included which discusses 12.3.2 Biodiesel (RME) – resursanvändning och emissioner . av E Nordin · 2014 — Livscykelanalys, LCA, är ett väletablerat verktyg som används Grammelis, P. 2011, Solid Biofuels for Energy- A Lower Greenhouse Gas  baseras på medianvärden från en metastudie av över 50 LCA-studier. En annan form av bioenergi är biodrivmedel, exempelvis etanol och biodiesel. The emphasis is increasingly on renewable sources including wind, solar, geothermal, biomass based biofuel, photovoltaics or energy recovery from waste.